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in NY 2

πŸ‰ a free to attend β€œInternet-ish” flea market

November 6, 2016, 12pm-6pm
@Knockdown Center 52-19 Flushing Ave, Maspeth, NY

πŸ“˜ Facebook event   πŸ“‘ Press release   #yaminy2

  πŸŸThe first Internet Yami-ichi in New York
  πŸ™Documentary about the Internet Yami-Ichi

The Internet Yami-Ichi (Internet Black Market) is a flea market which deals "Internet-ish" things, face-to-face, in actual space. Both flea markets and the Internet are fanatical and chaotic mixes of the amazing and useless. In the Internet Yami-Ichi both the wills and desires which brought us to create the Internet, and the wills and desires we picked up once we got there, are salvaged to be shared in a social space. Online secret society IDPW organized the first Internet Yami-Ichi in Tokyo in 2012. Since then it has travelled to over ten cities including Berlin, Moscow, and Seoul. One year ago, the first ever Internet Yami-Ichi in the United States took place at Knockdown Center and this November, The Internet Yami-Ichi, finally returning to New York!!!

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βœ¨πŸ’Ž VENDORS πŸ’Žβœ¨

πŸ‘€ Abyss Observatory Deck πŸ‘€ Alex Darby πŸ‘€ Angie Waller (Unknown Unknowns) πŸ‘€ Anthony Antonellis πŸ‘₯ Art404 πŸ‘€ Amazon Boy πŸ‘€ Angelo Spagnolo πŸ‘₯ Babycastles πŸ‘₯ bel-air radio πŸ‘₯ Babycastles πŸ‘€ Blinds Master Arcade πŸ‘€ blingblinghello πŸ‘€ BUREAU of CHANGE πŸ‘€ CHINGCHA πŸ‘€ Christopher Clary πŸ‘₯ Computer Lab πŸ‘₯ Cookie Servers πŸ‘₯ Danielle Draik and Emily Ree πŸ‘€ Daniel Temkin πŸ‘€ David Quiles GuillΓ³ πŸ‘₯ Digital Villain Studios πŸ‘€ Dimitry Tetin (Metrodogs Publications) πŸ‘€ Eli Yeung (Halsey Stop) πŸ‘€ E.I. Robot Fundraising πŸ‘€ Erik H Zepka πŸ‘₯ Eva and Franco Mattes πŸ‘€ Fahmina Ahmed πŸ‘€ Faith Holland πŸ‘€ fuzzywobble.com πŸ‘₯ Freedom of the Press Foundation πŸ‘€ Gaby Iglesias πŸ‘€ G. A. Carafelli and Jen Ahearn πŸ‘₯ Girlfriends Labs πŸ‘€ Gil Kuno (.band Revolution) πŸ‘₯ GlacierPops! πŸ‘€ Glitchaus πŸ‘€ Gordey Chernyy πŸ‘€ GOMI button πŸ‘€ Grace Miceli (ART BABY GIRL) πŸ‘₯ HE+HU (HE Wei+HU Naishu) πŸ‘₯ Hello Velocity πŸ‘€ Hiroshi Okamura πŸ‘€ I-Nu Yeh (BigLip Toy) πŸ‘€ Jason Huff πŸ‘€ JC + YUN πŸ‘€ Johann Diedrick (Public Science) πŸ‘€ JudithSamper.com πŸ‘€ Sh333p πŸ‘€ Kanae Clar πŸ‘€ Lana Para πŸ‘€ Library of the Printed Web πŸ‘€ Lillian Tong (feelingsforsale) πŸ‘€ Lorenzo Sanjuan (demomento) πŸ‘€ Marco Rosella πŸ‘€ Martha Hipley (everyoneisugly) πŸ‘₯ Maze-Maze πŸ‘€ Megumi Yamamoto (KILALAX) πŸ‘€ Melanie Hoff (Yami-Ichi Bank) πŸ‘₯ Melanie Hoff + Dan Taeyoung (Small Data Squad) πŸ‘₯ MFU/BHQFU πŸ‘€ Michelle Cortese (ThinkingHz) πŸ‘₯ Millennial Focus Group πŸ‘€ Mike Richison πŸ‘€ NIKO πŸ‘€ Niizeki Hiromi πŸ‘₯ Ø.K. Fox πŸ‘₯ Omni-Muschi Labs πŸ‘₯ OR Books πŸ‘₯ PARTY New York πŸ‘€ Pat Shiu (404L0L) πŸ‘₯ PC Bang πŸ‘€ Phillip David Stearns πŸ‘€ PIXEL the Artist πŸ‘€ Post Vision πŸ‘€ Prince Peacock πŸ‘₯ punkLab πŸ‘€ Qanta Simizu πŸ‘€ Radimir Koch (@RadArt) πŸ‘€ RafaΓ«l Rozendaal πŸ‘€ RAFiA πŸ‘€ RES πŸ‘€ RoByn Thompson Art πŸ‘€ Roman Kalinovski πŸ‘₯ Rosalind Paradis + Gigi Ng (Consumable Content) πŸ‘₯ /r/yourFuture πŸ‘€ Sam Sadtler πŸ‘€ Sessa Englund πŸ‘€ Shingo Ohno πŸ‘€ somatic.io πŸ‘€ space mania πŸ‘€ Spaceship Sparkle πŸ‘€ Stu Rentzler (Tiny Bot Factory) πŸ‘€ Takashi horisaki (Insta-Bonsai to Go/Chat) πŸ‘€ Teknikio πŸ‘₯ The Basement Labs (VIDEOPUNKS) πŸ‘€ The Littlest .GIF Shop πŸ‘₯ The NoPhone πŸ‘€ thewondercatx πŸ‘€ Tom Galle πŸ‘€ Upon Studio πŸ‘€ Villakuyaya Organic Dark Chocolate πŸ‘₯ VSOON πŸ‘€ WEATHER IS HAPPENING πŸ‘€ withering systems πŸ‘₯ Yifan Hu & Song Hia (Virus Labs) πŸ‘€ Zoe Bachman (Double-Click) πŸ‘€ @curryslut πŸ‘€ @noncentsmoney πŸ‘€ @ohhoe πŸ‘€ #InstagramCafe

βœ¨πŸš€ SPONSORS πŸš€βœ¨

πŸ’«πŸ‘― PARTNERS πŸ‘―πŸ’«